Locoweed image from one of the weirdest books in my collection: the 1916 edition of Sheep Diseases by E.T. Baker. Long story there. I might tell you about it sometime.
We’re working hard on the Winter 2011/2012 issue of Quarterly Speed Bump Magazine (new people on the team for this issue!). If all goes as expected, the magazine should be up on December 22.
But that’s not all. Not by a long shot. We’ll be doing an advent calendar of sorts on this blog…counting down the days ’til Christmas starting on December 1st. We’ll have all sorts of Christmas-y, seasonal, and even non-seasonal things to share. That’s one post per day from December 1 and ending on Christmas Eve. Maybe something will spark your interest and help you with slowing down and relaxing for a little while during this busy time of year. Come back soon.