It’s funny that we continue to have a cultural nostalgia for a white Christmas. I understand that much of our Christmas tradition comes from northern Europe where snow is likely. But, while snow is pretty at first, it’s just inconvenient and cold if you have to leave the house. And, statistically you don’t have a very good chance for snow on Christmas, itself (it’s at the very beginning of winter, after all–or the beginning of summer if you live in the southern hemisphere). The original introduction to Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas” goes like this:
The sun is shining, the grass is green,
The orange and palm trees sway.
There’s never been such a day
in Beverly Hills, L.A.
But it’s December the twenty-fourth,—
And I am longing to be up North—
Kind of weird, really.
I say embrace the weather you’ve got and don’t go longing for the freezing white stuff. But do be nostalgic enough to make paper snowflakes. When was the last time you did some paper folding and snipping to come up with paper lace? Raid the recycle bin and grab your scissors–here’s a refresher on how to fold the paper for a nice 6-sided flake.
Bonus photo fun: images of real snowflakes.