
summer squashThe zucchini in our garden have no fruit as of yet so it was nice to find summer squash at today’s farmer’s market.  These green and yellow varieties are particularly pleasing to the eye.

Today’s “recipe” (this is too easy to really be called a recipe but it’s my favorite way to cook summer squash in a hurry):

Slice squash into bite-size pieces.  Place in microwave safe bowl.  Thinly slice a few rounds of onion and place over the squash.  Cover and microwave for 4 minutes or until tender but not mushy.  Sprinkle grated parmesan cheese over the squash while still hot, add salt and freshly ground pepper to taste, then drizzle on a bit of olive oil.  Toss to combine all the flavors but be careful not to break up the squash.  Eat.

Do you grow summer squash?  Have you ever found yourself dumping your excess on the neighbors?  Any good recipes for using up what you’ve grown?