
You can make popsicles with Dixie cups and Kool-Aid like we did when we were kids but I’d rather not ingest that stuff anymore.  It’s more fun to play around with ingredients, stick your concoctions in the freezer, and see how they turn out.  In case the other day’s post on popsicle sticks made you crave the frozen treats, here is a “recipe” to make your own.

For 6 – 2.5 ounce Spicy Mango Pops you’ll need:
1 cup plain yogurt (not nonfat)
9 ounces mango chutney (I used the jarred stuff)
3 tablespoons agave nectar

Whiz the three ingredients in a blender until smooth.  Pour into popsicle molds.  Freeze for 4-5 hours.  Unmold and enjoy.spicy mango popsicleWouldn’t you know it, my own popsicle molds came with their own sticks and they aren’t made of wood.  Oh well.  If you’re still feeling uninspired but want popsicles you could just go to the store and buy some but there are many ice pop, frozen treat, popsicle, and paletas cookbooks out there to give you ideas.