The Elusive Next Issue and Books (again)

Hello out there. It’s been an entire year since there was a new issue of QSB Magazine. I haven’t abandoned the magazine but I do have a continuing loss of mojo. So, no more promises about a particular date for the new issue. I hope there will be one in the not-too-distant future. That’s all I can tell you for now.

But, I have been reading (and failing to start a new book club with a friend of mine). Over the past couple of months I’ve really enjoyed the following:

The Humans by Matt Haig. The Taste Tester found this one for me and I’m glad that he did.




The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light by Paul Bogard. The title sums it up. A sad but hopeful read.




The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo by Tom Reiss. If you ever loved Alexandre Dumas’s The Count of Monte Cristo (or his other books), this one’s for you.



What have you particularly enjoyed reading lately?



Only One More

Today is 11/12/13 if you live in the US and/or subscribe to the writing-the-month-first scheme of things. There’s only 12/13/14 next year and then we’re out of sequential dates like that until the 2100s begin. Go do something fun to celebrate today. The Taste Tester is making his famous lasagne tonight–celebration enough for me!

P.S. Just to whet your appetite (hopefully), the next issue of QSB Magazine will likely include articles on afternoon tea, board games, bees, books, planets, and much more. Stay tuned.

It’s November but I’m not NaNoWriMo-ing

For those of you who are attempting to write 50,000 words this NaNoWriMo (November for National Novel Writing Month), I salute you.  Best wishes!  I’m going to focus my writing intentions this month on getting the next long-awaited issue of QSB out into the world.  The plan (fingers crossed) is to have the new issue go live during Thanksgiving week.  Good luck to all of us as we keep on writing.


Two More Years

I just extended the hosting and domain name registration for Quarterly Speed Bump for another two years. Guess there will be magazine issues again soon(ish). How’s your summer going? Got any plans for the next two years? 🙂

Summer Daze

You may have noticed (I hope you noticed) that spring came and went without a new issue of Quarterly Speed Bump Magazine. And, summer is marching on. What can I say but that the writer’s block is just starting *knock wood* to melt away a drop at a time. My block is/was made out of ice, you see, and I have been frozen in front of the keyboard.

A long vacation with The Taste Tester helped. And, I’ve been reading a ton–replenishing the well, I guess.

Here’s some street art I ran into the other day (I had to look way up) and appreciated. Perhaps you will too. Climbed any utility poles lately?

birdhouses on utility polebirdhouse signI’ll be talking to you again…hopefully sooner rather than later.

Happy Spring!

 Jack Rabbit

Do you have plans for the season ahead?  We’re planning to finish the Spring 2013 issue of QSB Magazine.  No date set yet but we’ll let you know.

The Winter 2012/2013 Issue is Up

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Autumn 2012 is ALIVE

Our fifth issue is here.  Read it by clicking on the image below.  Or, here’s the direct link.  Enjoy and thanks for reading.

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