Happy Summer

It’s the longest day of the year which, I do believe, gives all of us ample opportunity to try something new.  I ran across this manifesto or “An Opening Salvo” about the creative spirit from a consortium led by TJ Beitelman at Try 101.  It makes interesting reading so I thought I’d pass it on.

Don’t forget, we’re counting down to the Summer 2012 issue of Quarterly Speed Bump Magazine on July 1 5 or 2 6  well, not July 6th but in a couple of days.  See you soon.

p.s. Today’s a great day to read Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

The Countdown Begins Again

Production of the Summer 2012 issue of the magazine is going forward.  Looks like we should have a new issue AROUND July 1st or July 2nd.  We’ll keep you posted of course!  Who knows, it might come out earlier.  In the meantime, we hope you’re keeping cool.  We’re having a late spring heat wave in these parts.


You’ve asked for it, we’ve responded. There’s a new tab on the website: Downloads. Click there and you’ll find a PDF version of our Autumn 2011 Quarterly Speed Bump Magazine issue and, for now, just the “On the Road to…” article (the one on Family History Research) from the Winter 2011/2012 issue. As time allows, we’ll get more PDFs up there for your printing pleasure including the Winter 2011/2012 issue of Quarterly Speed Bump Magazine. Of course, the Puzzles from the Mag tab has the puzzle pages for you to print out and enjoy as well. Let us know if you have any problems and thanks for reading.

Happy New Year

FireworksIt’s not entirely brand-spanking new but 4 days old is hardly well-used. So, Happy 2012 to You. By this time you’ve surely seen our Winter 2011/2012 issue of Quarterly Speed Bump Magazine (if not, click on over here).  We hope you enjoy the content and want to let you know that we’re already starting work on the Spring issue.  We’re aiming for a release date of March 20 but the Editor has finally (we think) learned her lesson about announcing absolute deadlines.  Like Douglas Adams, she seems to enjoy the “whooshing sound they make as they fly by.”

We do hope you had a merry Christmas if you celebrated. You may have noticed that we never got to blog the 12 Days of Christmas after we hit the end of the advent calendar posts due to the website difficulties that apparently started on December 24.  The tech problems have been resolved but the the joy got sucked out of the 12-Day blogging idea.  We’ll have a grand 12 Days of Christmas wrap up on the last day of Christmas instead: January 6th. Come back for that.  And expect more blog updates a couple times a week between now and our next issue (you know, the one that will be out sometime around March 20th).

3 Days ’til Christmas: Happy Winter! / Magazine Will Be Up LATE (the 27th)

Lassen Volcanic National Park

Welcome to winter. It’s the shortest day of the year. After today we’ll start seeing extra minutes of daylight. But, as my dad says (and probably his dad before him), “As the days begin to lengthen, the cold begins to strengthen.”

UPDATE: Regarding the magazine – It will be up late. Your Humble Editor has hit the wall. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the new issue will be up on Tuesday, December 27th. We hope you’ll enjoy it!

Coming Attractions aka Going Loco

Purple Loco or Astragalus mollissimus

Locoweed image from one of the weirdest books in my collection: the 1916 edition of Sheep Diseases by E.T. Baker. Long story there. I might tell you about it sometime.

We’re working hard on the Winter 2011/2012 issue of Quarterly Speed Bump Magazine (new people on the team for this issue!). If all goes as expected, the magazine should be up on December 22.

But that’s not all. Not by a long shot. We’ll be doing an advent calendar of sorts on this blog…counting down the days ’til Christmas starting on December 1st. We’ll have all sorts of Christmas-y, seasonal, and even non-seasonal things to share. That’s one post per day from December 1 and ending on Christmas Eve. Maybe something will spark your interest and help you with slowing down and relaxing for a little while during this busy time of year. Come back soon.